Welcome to
Holy Cross
Polish National Catholic Church

We're excited to announce our upcoming events! Please check our EVENTS page for Drive-Thru Dinner dates, Christmas Bowling Party, and More!
Our January newsletter is now online! Please click HERE to view it.
Find information on upcoming Holy Mass times/dates, fundraisers, events, and much more!​
Kindly remember to turn off all electronic devices prior to Holy Mass.​​​​​
Holy Cross is happy to welcome everyone to church for Holy Mass every Sunday at 9 am.​
​Kindly stay home if you are not feeling well. We want everyone to be safe!
We will still be live-streaming Holy Masses on YouTube for those who are unable to join us at church.
Follow the "More" link at the top right of the page and click on "YouTube Streams" to find live streamed Holy Masses, as well as videos from previous Holy Masses.

Services and Sunday School

Sunday Service
Sundays 9 am
Holy Mass is held weekly at 9 am and lasts an hour. Holy Mass is held in English, with songs being sung in English and Polish.
All are welcome to come pray, reflect, and connect to God.
Live YouTube streamed Holy Masses are at 9am. Check our Weekly Bulletin for more services and times.
Sunday School
Sundays at 10:15 am
Sunday School is held after Holy Mass. We welcome children of all ages to participate and learn about God.